Monday, September 23, 2013

our whirlwind week

It was Monday (9/16).  Just your ordinary crazy-busy Monday.  Col called, and I thought maybe we were being profiled again, which was exciting in and of itself.  We never called each other at work until we became a waiting family.  So I knew that it had something to do with our adoption.

I ran upstairs with my phone, and Col asked if I was ready for a whirlwind...well, who isn't (or is, depending on how you look at it)?  He said that we were chosen by the birthmom from our latest profiling call!  We had just heard about this case on Friday (9/13), and here it was, 3 days later, and she had already chosen us.  Not only that, but a few important details had changed.  But the real kicker was this: she was on her way to the hospital because she might be in labor!  My oh my, how the body and mind kick into gear when needed! 

We rejoiced in being chosen so quickly and decided to accept.  Then we got to work gathering information about what being 32 weeks preemie would mean for baby.  And we tentatively planned dates with the agency to sign paperwork and go out to Syracuse to meet birthmom when she was released from the hospital if she gave birth this week. 

Monday evening we told our parents and siblings, tried to breathe, and attempted to figure out what we needed to do right away.  I kept saying how there was so much we needed to do, but Col kept me sane by reminding me that we "also need to eat."  Tuesday morning we waited for an update and received word that it was just false labor and she had already been discharged.  Phew!  All day Tuesday I was giddy and excited, as I was able to really take in the fact that we had been chosen by a birthmom.  It had all sunk in since our timeline for baby being on the scene went back to the original November due date.  We continued to spread the news to our families and close friends.  All week I felt like I had a million phone calls to make and couldn't help but share the news. 

Each day brought about new information from the agency.  Tuesday (9/17) we had our "match call" where we went over all of the medical/background information and the fees again so that we had everything once more.  We also discussed dates to meet birthmom, as she wants to do so before she gives birth.

On Thursday (9/19), our whirlwind week continued as our family advocate called once more with additional information.  When Col called I was nervous, but when he told me, we both just laughed.  We had been told the gender of the baby but were keeping it on the down-low.  However, after birthmom's visit in the hospital, they weren't sure anymore!  Col told me by saying that our [insert one of our name choices here] might be a [insert other gender name choice here].  It was relieving to hear that this was the only update and that everyone was healthy. 

Everything has happened so fast.  I feel like this all happened so long ago, and yet it was one week ago when we received that exciting and information-overloaded call.  We already have a meeting set up with birthmom, and while I'm really nervous, I'm also so excited to meet her.  And bonus: I get to brush up on my Spanish so that I can speak with her :) How funny that God knew I would use my Spanish degree someday, even after all my hedging about it.  Pieces just seem to be falling into place, and we are so excited about this next step in our adoption journey!!


  1. Such exciting news!!! I cannot imagine the whirlwind you've been on and trying to wrap your head around everything as it's happening so fast! It's funny that you mentioned your Spanish... I was thinking about that and seemed to remember vaguely that Spanish was in your background. So cool that that part of your story gets woven into this next stage of life :)

  2. OH MY WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't read blogs in ages and decided to stop by and check up on your at the best time, apparently! :) SO excited for you two!!!!!!!! Can't wait to follow along over the days and weeks to come!!!! (Also, nice work with the "hooray" hashtag :))
