Wednesday, May 6, 2015

God Found Us You

One of my favorite books to read to EJ is "God Found Us You."  I had actually never read it before, but had heard a lot about it, and thankfully one of my dear friends gifted it to us after Ephraim was born.  While it does not use positive adoption language in one area ("give up" instead of "made an adoption plan"), I love that it talks about his birthmom and each and every word is perfect to our adoption experience as adoptive parents.  It's amazing how perfectly someone else can capture the emotions and thoughts that I had while waiting.  Without fail, each and every time that I read this book, I cry.  I can barely read the end as I struggle to speak through tears, tears now of joy, but also of remembrance of the painful parts of our story.  Most of all, I'm thankful that God used our willingness to be a home and a family for a child who would need one, to bring us to Ephraim's birthmom, and then to Ephraim.

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