Monday, January 6, 2014

7th puzzle update!

After our whirlwind these past few months, we haven't updated on our puzzle fundraiser progress since October.  Since our adoption was disrupted, we are back at fundraising for our next match, so that hopefully we are a bit more prepared!  Even though we unfortunately did lose money from our match deposit due to the failed match, we can 100% assure everyone that it was NOT ONE PENNY of what has been raised so far through all of your support.  Our agency was kind enough to return our full placement check (which was paid when we signed all the paperwork the day she was born) due to the circumstances.  We vow to continue to protect your donations as much as possible to use only for our finalized adoption.  And so, we thank you for your past support and ask that you continue to pray for ongoing support!

Once our puzzle is finished, we plan to glue it together, frame it in a double sided frame, and place it in the nursery so that Little L can see both the jungle picture and the names of those who helped bring him or her home. 

We have 104 puzzle pieces left!  We are two-thirds there!

Each piece is $10, your name is placed on the back of the piece, and all donations go directly toward our adoption.  Will you consider helping us reach our goal of finishing our puzzle?  This is the only fundraiser that we have done, and even though the total raised will equal a mere fraction of our costs, it is very important to us to have a completed puzzle for Little L. 

300 total pieces x $10 each = $3,000
Approximate total of entire adoption process = $30,000

Please continue to pray as we wait for more profiling opportunities.  We are anxious and ready, trying to rest in God's timing.  Thank you all for holding us up throughout this journey.  Your love, thoughts, prayers, hugs, conversations, baby gifts, and support have kept us going!  We love and appreciate you all!

Special thanks to:
Doug & Patty


  1. Even if some of the money did go toward an adoption that wasn't finalized, it's all part of the process, and I would still want to be part of supporting you guys in that process!

  2. Our donations are for ANY part of the adoption process! Please don't think twice about what they need to be used for , they will be a part of your story regardless :) xoxo

    1. Thanks Lora! We appreciate the support regardless of what happens! :)
