Friday, July 13, 2012

maybe a little obsessed

Ok, so I've become obsessed with blogs!  Seriously.  I used to read a few of my friends' and enjoy them, but when I was really hankering to write my own it was for simply that, to write.  I didn't think about others reading it so much as having an outlet to write and if people followed, great (a writer always secretly wants at least someone to read what she's written.  Well, most of the time...).  However, what a world that blogging has opened up to me!  I've come across s.o. m.a.n.y. wonderful blogs, mostly written by people who I don't know!  And you know what the best part is?  A lot of the posts that I've read have truly inspired me and felt like God was sticking a sign in front of my face and saying, "Read this.  You'll love it.  And by the way, I'm speaking to you through it."

[For more clarification, whenever I'm confused or trying to make a decision or just want some answers to the never-ending question of, "Why?," I always say how I wish God would just drop a sign down from the sky in front of my face with the answer/reason/explanation.  I'm pretty simple; I just need it in black and white and possibly hitting me in the head.]

Not to mention the women who write these blogs are SO stinkin' cool!  I seriously feel like such an amateur and think, "She's the coolest person ever!  I love how she did this/makes that/writes like this!"  Pure awe.  And awe-some-ness.

So, to all the women (and men) out there who blog, and who blog about certain specific issues that are so near and dear to my heart which I can't wait to someday write about, thank you.  Thank you for sharing your lives, stories, and writing styles.  And thank you for giving me something to do on those days when I have a certain length of time that I'm trying to fill... :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your super nice comment on my blog and for letting me read yours! It is so amazingly lucky to have such cool neighbors that we have lots in common with!
