Sunday, January 13, 2013

"get me out of here!"

If you've ever had your house packed up, or have ever had no use of a room or two for a while, you know that after a couple days, or maybe hours, sitting in the house drives you crazy.  After a particularly lazy string of evenings this week, I was ready to get up and out and do something because all the boxes are driving me nuts.  I was feeling a little like the voice that yells, "Get me out of here!" from a box that my husband received as a toy when he was a kid stuck in the hospital.  So I came home Friday from work and told Col that we were going out on a date.  Off to Olive Garden we went with gift cards in hand where we had a delicious dinner and didn't talk about the house, grant, or stress of waiting for the approval.  It was wonderful!  That evening we also decided last minute to have a game night with friends which was fun and a bonus out-of-the-house time.

Because Saturday was supposed to be super warm for January (50's!), we both had the uncanny idea to go to Mendon Ponds Park Birdsong Trail (where we got engaged!).  And so off we went (after a delicious gift-card-paid-for stop [gotta love those gift cards from Christmas!] at Panera for breakfast) to meet my in-laws who also had the same idea for the day (weird, right?).  We hiked the trails for a long time, got some great exercise and fresh air, fed some birds out of our hands, and showed them our engagement spot.  That afternoon we took a nap, awesomeness, and met up with Col's rents again for dinner and ice cream while they watched our niece.  We ended the evening with a Redbox movie.

on the bridge we got engaged on, overlooking the brook

Today we enjoyed church, football with friends, and an evening getting things done around the apt.  It was the perfect mix of out and about and productiveness.  While I cherish an empty, no plans, stay-at-home weekend more than most, this time I was happy to fill it up spending time with people outside the apartment.  Learning to love the in-between!

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