Wednesday, January 16, 2013

oh happy day!

After last week's waiting and let down, I was sure that we wouldn't hear if our grant was approved the second time around until the end of the day Friday. The bank contacted them and was promised an answer this week, so I decided to just assume it would be late afternoon on Friday so that I didn't have a set deadline in my head. Having one last week caused a resurfacing of anxiety and a mini panic attack when it wasn't met. However, having put into practice not to worry as it would do nothing about the situation, I gave it all to God and decided to just wait and see, but not let it consume my thoughts.

I was in an adjoining room at work when I thought I heard my phone vibrating. I went back to check it just missing a call from Col. He never calls me at work unless something important is happening, so at the same time I refreshed my email and saw one from the bank. I was nervous because the subject line said, "First Home Club Grant......." and the "......." had me thinking it wasn't good news. I simultaneously reached Col and opened the email and read:

We just received the email that has approved you for the grant!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Col and I celebrated on the phone for a few minutes, after which I danced around work and told everyone that it had been approved. I didn't realize how upset I would have been if it hadn't gone through this time until I saw how excited and happy and relieved I was when we found out it was approved.  I am so thankful that our year-long program participation has paid off!

And so, we've been floating on the home-buyer's-grant-second-time-around-approval cloud today.  HOORAY!!

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