Monday, August 5, 2013

Dave Ramsey would be proud

Tonight. Marks the night. That Colin and I. Paid off our last student loan!  May 2009 undergrad grads are student loan debt free in August 2013!  WOOT WOOT!

Honestly, I know that when I added up my student loan debt after graduation, it totaled around $30,000, and I had no idea how I would ever pay it off.  However, we did it with ups and downs of job situations, Col going to grad school (debt free), saving for and buying a house, a 3-year capital campaign for church, and more recently paying and saving for our adoption.  Seriously, we couldn't have done it without this --> We <3 Financial Peace!

One last loan left to finish and that's for my car.  Then we can declare ourselves d.e.b.t. f.r.e.e. :)