Tuesday, May 15, 2012

hubby's tale of success

As some may know, my hubby is an elementary school teacher.  Sadly, we graduated college during one of the worst times to find a job, especially in education.  While he does sub and has had a few long-term sub positions, it's always a constant struggle to find something permanent.  However, this also has given him time to pursue his other passion in life: dogs.  Recently, he's been observing training courses at Tails of Success and was able to interview for a position in the doggy daycare.  I'm happy to announce that he got the job!  It's part-time and minimum wage, however it's 1) a steady job for now, 2) flexible to work around his grad school clinic as he finishes up this summer (which was preventing him from working at all since it's during the day), 3) not at night or on the weekends, and 4) something else that he loves to do!  He's still pursuing teaching, but right now gets to expand on his doggy work :)

So even though the main roadway is closed for now, this side street opened up.  God has a plan, and we're both excited to enjoy what may seem like a detour, but really is another route to enjoy traveling down.  Who knows, it might end up being more than just taking a longer way around!

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