Sunday, October 7, 2012

social weekend

Eileen came from New Hampshire to visit us this weekend.  Friday we had a game night and Saturday we traveled to Syracuse to visit Katie at her new apartment.  We went to the Apple Fest, a haunted house at Aaron's family's campground, and of course ate a ton.

It's always fun to get the old college crew back together, and it was the perfect overnight trip!

A dinner out with family to celebrate my mother-in-law's birthday was the perfect cap to our fun weekend.  It was so relaxing to eat great food, sit by the fire, talk about life, houses, and babies with my mother- and sister-in-laws, play, laugh, and dance with my niece (can not WAIT for our next niece or nephew!). 

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. I love all of the people in this picture!!! Miss you guys!

    (And LOVE the new design, Smash! So pretty!)
