Monday, October 29, 2012

steps toward home-ownership: part IV

I'm a terrible blogger.  I've been MIA for 10 days!

Here's an update on our house process:
Last week we experienced a new stage in our home buying process.  On Saturday 10/20 we had an appointment to see a house (we'll call it house A) that I wasn't all that impressed with online.  When we walked through it though, it was so much better in person, which is the opposite of what usually happens. 

Sunday we went to the open house and showed all of our parents that house and another (let's say house B) that we had seen previously.

Sunday afternoon/evening Col and I debated about putting in an offer on house B, and had put house A in the back of our minds as there was another offer on it.

Monday morning we decided not to put an offer on house B.  House A's realtor called our realtor and basically encouraged us to put in an offer if we were interested.  After a few phone calls and a lot of talking/thinking, Col and I decided to put an offer on house A.

Tuesday night we met with our realtor to sign all the paperwork for the offer.  Closing date of Dec. 28th if this goes through!

Wednesday morning the offer was submitted, with an expiration of 10am on Thursday.

We wait.  Wednesday evening our realtor calls and says that the seller wants to "sleep on it."

Thursday at 10am we receive a counter offer.

Thursday evening, we counter back.

Friday morning we receive word that the seller is not accepting, which for us means that we are done with house A.  We know this means that it's not meant to be and are already resuming our search.  However, house hunting/offering is exhausting!  So we'll see what is in store for us next!

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