Saturday, February 18, 2012

Adventures in dog-sitting: Part 2

Our week of dog-sitting is coming to a close. One more night and we'll vacate the premises and her loving parents will be home :) I'll miss her, but I definitely won't miss being covered head to toe in yellow fur no matter how careful I am!

What other stories has our canine charge left us with? Wednesday night we had a wrestling match. I did not plan said match, but she obviously wasn't interested in going outside at that time and rather in a full-out play-fest. All I did was try to put her collar on. My mistake! It ended up with me planted on my bottom in the middle of the floor with slobbery kisses. When we finally got outside and she was happily sniffing around, one sudden pull and I found my mesh running sneaker in a large amount of mud (and since anything wet is a bad combo with mesh, I ended up having to wash and blow-dry my sneaker before rushing off to small group). Things just got dirtier from there. Details not needed, but let's just say it involved a non-trusty bag and a pile of waste.

Thursday we had a fun play-date with our friend Buddy. Put two labs under the age of two together and you've got too much energy! The pups enjoyed their social time as did we humans. {insert me realizing that I need to take more pictures for this blog because what wouldn't be cuter than showing off a chocolate and a yellow lab best friends?} Fur monster was so tired by the time we got home that she just stood up next to the bed until I literally picked her back end up to join the front half of her. She tried it again last night, but I'm on to her!

It's been a fun week though, and since her loving owners allow her on the couch and bed, we've enjoyed our furry snuggle time. I told Col to soak it in now as some rules will be different for our own...sorry future Leathersich pup!

Throughout our week of living at our friends' apartment and caring for their canine, I'm once again reminded of how much of a [sometimes OCD] routine person I am (not that I ever really forget, but go with me here). I constantly long for stability and organization. Living out of a duffel bag in another place where I don't have all of my stuff or usual routines has a tendency to easily stress me out. I told the hubby the other night that I'm once again reminded of how much I love our quiet, although extremely busy, life. Since both of us grew up always having at least one animal in the house at all times (and at one point, my fam had a total of 7 pets: 2 dogs, 2 anoles [lizards], 2 gerbils, and 1 horse [this one was not in the house!]), we've always known that we'd have at least one dog. But since our apartment which I love so much, does not allow pets, it's okay that we have this season of just the two of us. I know God blessed us with our dwelling for exactly this time in our lives as well as with the chance to be newlyweds who can go here, there, and wherever whenever. So we're enjoying this time because eventually it will become house, dog (if Col could have his way we'd adopt a dog the same day we move...), kids. Funny how a week of dog-sitting can have me remembering once again to thank God for our little life together.

Besides, we can have all the fun we want dog-sitting for everyone else! :)

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