Saturday, February 4, 2012

[learning to] give back

In about 45 minutes, I will give blood for the first time. For the past few years, Writers & Books has hosted a drive and since I am the Saturday staff person, I've always been working during them. It doesn't bother me to be around it all, and I'm not afraid of needles. Today though, I'm nervous! It's such a simple procedure and there is a huge need for so many people, yet it strikes me how with things like this, it's so easy to be selfish. Our sinful human nature kicks in and excuses are easy to find. Colin has always encouraged me to donate, reminding me of what a difference it makes for people and saying he would if he could, but my excuse of being "too close" to the weight limit has kept me at bay. This year was no different, but since I promised him I would participate the next time that W&B hosted a drive, it's now time to step up! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog! Proud of you that you donated blood! I donate blood too. Well done!
