Thursday, April 3, 2014

what's been happening lately...

We've had a lot going on lately.  In March we dog sat at a family friends' house again, dog sat our friends' dog at our place, celebrated our niece's 1st birthday, and had a lot of family and friend time.  We had some nice quiet evenings and weekends at home with no plans which were great to relax.  Now we are entering into a crazy busy April with activities almost every night and weekend.  And unfortunately, I've started it out with the stomach bug.  I can't remember the last time I had a stomach bug, but man oh man I forgot how awful they are.  I'm on day 2, able to keep food down, and trying to re-hydrate because my muscles are killing me from dehydration.  I passed out yesterday when in the worst throws of it, so I'm glad to say that now I'm on the up and up!

We also received a call from our agency on Tuesday notifying us that we were not chosen for our most recent profiling opportunity.  We had received a call in early March about a case and have been waiting, somewhat patiently, to hear if we were picked or not.  We had decided after our last failed matches to keep all future calls quiet until we heard one way or another, because it's just too much back and forth to keep everyone informed and then say that it didn't work out.  This was the first call that we were not chosen for, since our earlier calls we were either matched or never heard back from (our very first one we were one of the families that the birthmom had narrowed it down to but we were pulled from the case when we were matched).  This is quite typical, to receive multiple calls and not be chosen, but I think it's especially hard for me because our process has been a little backwards.  Most people experience more of the wait in the beginning, with a few calls here and there where they aren't chosen, and then later get matched.  We had so many calls right away and were matched so quickly, that it's hard to get used to this, especially after losing both our matches.  But alas, we continue on and hope that spring brings a lot more calls because it's been slow and spotty (again, probably my perception after our quick start). 

I decorated the house for Easter Tuesday night.  It's so cheery and colorful, which lifts my mood. :)

I am so looking forward to our upcoming little getaway for our anniversary.  Col's planned the whole thing and it's a surprise.  All I know is that it's drive-able and out of state (which he accidentally let slip when we were talking about what to do if we were matched with this last referral).  He sent me a PowerPoint with his voice speaking the words with clues on what to pack.  I have felt the need to get away for a while now and am looking forward to a refreshing time with him!

That's all for now!  I'm so glad the sun is shining today and the weather is starting to warm up.  This has been the longest winter ever, and I need some warm weather!

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